Physio-Neuro Therapy for LD and ADHD

Physio-Neuro therapy has only recently become more widespread. And still, it is very possible you have never heard the term before.

It originates from the understanding that each persons brain communicates within itself through neuronal pathways. In kids with learning disorders like dyslexia, ADHD and so on, these pathways don't connect properly.

Physio-neuro therapy is based on the science of re-training these pathways. Evidence has shown that the brain can be re-trained to function properly. In these therapy sessions, children progress from simple to more complex activities that allow them to successfully focus, divide their attention, ignore distractions, and process academic information differently and thus more accurately.

The program can be fairly intensive and time consuming. Your child might have to attend sessions as many as 3 times per week for about 6 months. The frequency is necessary to make the training stick. Despite the time commitment, I think this alternative treatment has great potential.

The program was developed and researched by a company called Learning Technics.

Visit their site for more information and research data. They can also guide you to a facility in your area. You might also check out "When Bright Kids Can't Learn" by Learning Technics founder John Heath.

There is also another similar program that focuses on neural pathways called Brain Gym®. It is possible that you have heard of this program, more so than Learning Technics.

Brain Gym is 26 simple and specific exercises that help to integrate the body with the mind. On the official Brain Gym website they state it can produce significant improvements and change in "concentration, memory, reading, writing, organizing, listening, and physical coordination."

It originated in the 1970's as a way to help people with learning disabilities. The philosophy helped launch the practice of Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K) which is essentially learning through movement.

It can be used with individuals as well as whole groups. I have seen teachers be very successful with using it in their classrooms for a variety of reasons like helping the students focus and gain clarity before a test, or calm down after an exciting activity.

If you are interested in researching providers in your area, you can visit the official Brain Gym website.

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